Ride Leaders
Ride Leaders
Any member ~ any day
Our Saturday and Sunday rides generally have a ride leader who makes sure the group doesn't get lost while every rider is supported. A ride leader's job is to plan the ride so it's the right distance and terrain to suit the skill level and fitness of their group.
If you would like to lead a ride, our Ride Coordinators will assist you.
Please let your Ride Coordinator know what day and ride you would like to lead.
Then complete the form below or
email details to webadmin@SCBTC.net or
ask one of our Calendar Editors so we can note it on our Club's calendar.
Ride Coordinators
Names in Blue are Calendar Editors
Saturday rides:
- Priscilla Hamilton 0427473670
- Robyn Vardy 0403 704 986
25km rides:
- Henryk Wojcik 0432804499
30km rides:
- Ian Jope 0468524432
33km rides:
- Rob Coles 0408452400
- Ross Sheppard 0414595616
34km rides:
- Phillip Price 0418476370
- Michael Jacobson 0422787948
- Greg Martin 0418 711 328
35km rides:
- Michael Gavigan 0412962167
- Jane Carr 0400046405
Sunday rides:
- Grant Alexander 0458929961
- Paul McGuire 0439757861
Tuesday and Thursday rides:
- Paul McGuire 0439757861
Wednesday and Friday rides:
- Paul Glass 0414297612
Ride leaders: Submit Calendar details please
If you would like to lead a ride, please submit the ride details and we will add it onto our calendar. Complete the last field only if it's not already listed on the calendar - a new ride or details for a Sunday ride.