0.00 AUD
You have 3 options to view our ride calendar.
1. Use our website calendar above.
2. Download Calendar Online App for your mobile device (see details below).
3. Go straight to Calendar Online:
Calendar Tips: Download these handy tips to display only the rides you want to see and import those rides into your personal calendar.
Search for Calendar Online from your mobile app store e.g. Apple Store or Google Play.
1. Download and open the Calendar Online App and select +Add.
2. Select this option: 'Add a new access link by entering the address manually'.
3. Enter the word rider (all lower case) in the blank bar and select OK.
Saturday and Sunday riding groups are using WhatApp messenger to register for rides and talk about weather (if needed). Download WhatsApp for your mobile and ask your Ride Coordinator for the name of your WhatsApp group.